New user-friendly smart techonologies for polyurethane moulding process

“V.A.R.” is the brand-new technology developed by Stemma for the control of polyurethane injection processes, which combines research and technology for “user friendly” plants.

It seemed impossible to turn polyurethane moulding for footwear manufacturing into a user-friendly process. Infact polyurethane is an extraordinary material for its technical characteristics, yet complex in terms of use, with viscous and different fluids, that must be dosed and mixed with stoichiometric accuracy and for which an analytical representation can’t be done.

With the V.A.R. (Video Assisted Report), Stemma overcomes this technological limit, designing a smart application for the monitoring and the systematic analysis of process’ parameters, to verify the correct functioning of the plant. Starting from historical and statistical data that the machines record and process automatically, the V.A.R. reports whether pumps, valves and all other units that are involved in the process are working correctly and immediately indicates to the technicians which element is causing the malfucntion.

«V.A.R.» also allows to greatly reduce, or even completely eliminate, negative effects caused to the injection valves, by overpressure on the circuit resulting from the occlusion of the injection hole.

With V.A.R, Stemma for the first time, combine typical features of machine learning to polyurethane direct injection processes, in order to preserve the plants and to make the user’s experience more efficient, easy and safe.

You can find this article also published on Safety First by Mpa_Style